Saturday 14 January 2012

High Probability Eachway Selection Saturday 14/01/2012

Level Stakes Running Total P/L: + 6.84 Points
January: + 2.01 Points
2011 P/L: + 4.83 Points

Warwick -- 15:05 -- Ambion Wood -- 9 ∕ 2 -- Bet365 (Paying 1/4 odds the place)(Result -2nd - SP 7/2)

Wishing you good luck
Stay Patient

P.S:  If you would like to learn more about this method  click on this link: Introducing My New ‘High Probability Each Way Selections’

P.P.S:  If you like very selective and profitable well thought out FREE bets, I recommend you also follow: HCE Gold Tips


  1. will be taking you on with Jumps Road in this race - very much liked the way it handled the ground at Ffos lass even if it has an action that says it will prefer this better ground today and a very interesting race. Have put up the stats and thoughts on the classic on the blog today - hope you enjoy

  2. Hi Bob Thanks of the comment.

    I must confess for a brief moment after the last I thought Ambion Wood had got the race in the bag, alas it was not to be as Cotten woods superior flat speed won the day. Great race though.

    With regards to your stats and thoughts on the classic I ALWAYS enjoy reading what you have written. For some reason I normally come away from your blog feeling like I have learnt something new, if not from you then from one of your knowledgeable commenter's.

    Thanks again

  3. Mark,

    You will be in double digit profit soon..enjoy the ride!


  4. Hi Jake

    Thanks mate, all it will take is few of these that are hitting the cross bar at the moment actually hitting the target and the profits should shoot up.

    Alternatively I could be just around the corner from a poor run of results! That's the beauty and conversely the frustration of this game: We just never know, we just have to believe in our edge.



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